Thursday, August 28, 2008

Musing of the day:

So should I start reading Fables or Y: The Last Man?



Okay. I think I hate the new Firefox. What's with this stupid search bar guessing what site I'm gonna go to? It's bugging me... AND I even did what Mozilla's FAQ says to do to disable it and it's still guessing! Boo. Hiss.

In more pressing news, I have to drag my tired ass to work, because I had two people call in "sick". Jerkfaces. Ruining my glorious day off.... gah. I hate being an integral part of the store's success.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm half dead today, btw.

I put in an insane 13 hour work day at work yesterday... to cap off a regular 40 hour work week. I was at work today, albeit briefly.

I'm strongly considering quitting. I'm just getting exhausted. I don't wanna fold shirts anymore. I'm tired of the ironic sunglasses. And the skinny jeans.

I will need hipster detox, after I'm done here.

I'm looking forward tonight though, when I can just go to Hayes and see Carr and Owen and just r-e-l-a-x.

omg omg omg

I bought this off Etsy! One of the artists I dig a lot from myspace has an etsy shop and she listed an ACEO and I totally bought itttt.

Supar cute.

Next is a shirt from this shop:

Thursday, August 14, 2008


...I am pretty darn sure I need this wall decal by etsy user shannon1972

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Also, while I'm here, SCREW YOU, 2008! You're taking all our awesomest celebrities!



I'm seeing awesome things on etsy... damn me and my car issues and not being able to just buy the hell out of them!!!!


by the by, I am absolutely full of cheese and chocolate, and I can't imagine a better way to spend a Sunday night in Oakland.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

still awake..

I'd like to run away and be a railway tramp.

The hobo kind, not the promiscuous kind.

Monday, August 4, 2008

SDCC in Review!

Gawd, it was glorious. Blinding hot white tendrils of light emanating from the San Diego convention center... drawing me in... to... glory.....

Actually it was insane. I've never been somewhere so crowded, not even at Comic Con. Alberto furnished us with badges but we still had to stand in line for years to get in. I was horrified when we arrived Saturday morning almost 2 hours before the hall opened and the parking garage was like, full. Crap.

But it was GREAT. I have a lot of highlights...

*Bryan Lee O'Malley = signing my Scott Pilgrim vol. 1
He's so nifty.
*The 'Spaced' panel. Simon Pegg = awesomeness
* Sarah Silverman bumping into me and then apologizing. I was all "S'okay" and then like "Wait.
WHAT?" she was just meandering around... clearly for official reasons but none I saw just then
*Uglydoll keychain
* Wil Wheaton sighting at Dumbrella!!
*Book buying...... to wit,
-Octopus Pie by Meredith Gran
-Flight vol. 2
-Drawers 2.0 by Claire Wendling
-Rejects by Joe Bluhm
-Blubberlubber by Dan Hay
-Sketches & Scribbles by Frank Cho
-comix by Elephant Eater Comics/Ryan Claytor
-The Revival by James Sturm

We also drank too many margaritas in the Gaslamp and I found myself drunk on a bench blubbering about my Pinkberry at like, 8pm. I'd blame the jetlag, except we drove. Owen, Alberto, and Sam thought I was nuts. Maybe I was.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

boo and yay

I'm quickly learning to hate my job.... it's hard to deal with the general public, naturally, but GOD. My district manager... and hell, half of my employees don't make things much easier for me.

Carla may be able to help me out getting an interview with an interactive media company she has ties to but really, wtf could I do? I could be a PA, I guess.. oh, sigh.

In other, more promising news, it looks like my proposed trip to Amsterdam for NYE may actually work out! Something going just the way I want it to! Hey, I could get used to this...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blogger. Sup.

My other blog was defiled!

Basically, really, it just means my arch nemesis discovered its contents on myspace (grody), and I am now setting up here on blogger. I actually used to have a blogger account but lost all pertinent info long ago. I'm just copying/pasting items from the myspace blog here. Hopefully this bitch don't get compromised. I be havin' to cut someone.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Blogger, you bastard won't let me upload a photo.
